导读 今日小嫆来为解答以上问题。UTOPANDA,这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧~.~!1、Utopia and Its Offspring: The Postmodern...


1、Utopia and Its Offspring: The Postmodern and Postcolonial Politics of Desire is a book by Jean-Francois Lyotard, published in 1998. It explores the postmodern and postcolonial politics of desire, analyzing the differences between utopian and dystopian politics, and the ways in which these have been influenced by modernity and colonialism. Lyotard proposes that modernity has led to a shift from utopian ideals towards dystopian realities, due to the domination of instrumental rationality and the marginalization of desire. He argues that postmodern and postcolonial politics must be concerned with overcoming this instrumental rationality and re-establishing the role of desire in politics. This book is considered an important work in the fields of postmodernism, postcolonial theory, and political theory.。



